Top Ten Books That Were Particularly Fantastic in 2015

5f295-toptentuesdayTop Ten Tuesday is a weekly blogging meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. You can find out more about it here. This week’s theme is Top Ten Books You’ve Read so Far in 2015. These are in no particular order.

51CcdgnZ5rL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_All Fall Down by Ally Carter

Not only will this series be named after nursery rhymes (the second one’s called See How They Run), but she’s hinting at her other series. I have a theory that Grace’s mom went to Gallagher academy which would be awesome, but even if not, this still seems like it’ll be a really great series.


Cress by Marissa Meyer

This is my favorite book in the series so far, and Cress and Thorne are easily now my favorite characters. I adore both of them.


Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

I loved this series, and I can’t believe I didn’t hear about it until last (this?) March, because it’s great and deserves more attention.


Half Bad by Sally Green

Since this is the book series that has my favorite adorable tortured little antihero, how could I NOT mention it? I’ve joined team Save-Nathan-From-His-Author because I feel so bad for him.


The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

Not as fast-paced AND a bit more confusing than her other books, but I still love and adore them. I can see why this series has a small (But fierce!) fandom.


Illusionarium by Heather Dixon

This book was well worth the 2+ year wait. I love it.


Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Cath is amazing and realistic and I identify with her so much. It’s about time there’s a heroine who’s truly nerdy and not a gorgeous supermodel who only has a thin vaneer of nerdy.


Firebug by Lish McBride

This book is funny and sweet and a bit sad and did I mention funny? It’s by a local author, too, which just makes it that much cooler.


Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige

A retelling of one of the most famous children’s books in history where good might be wicked and wicked might be good. In other words, amazing.


Ms. Marvel by G. Willow Wilson

I should have pounced on this the moment it came out last December. But for whatever reason I waited until March to read it. I love Kamala Khan, she is SO COOL. I want her as a best friend, basically.

So, there’s (here’s?) my list. There are tons more books that I’ve read and loved, but these are the highlights of the year so far. Though, I dunno, they might become overshadowed soon (or not). My TBR list is long and I assume amazing.

Happy Tuesday,


12 thoughts on “Top Ten Books That Were Particularly Fantastic in 2015

      1. Let’s see…Cress (but need to read Scarlet first), Daughter of Smoke & Bone, Fangirl, and Dorothy Must Die. They all sound so great!


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