Should I? Yes I should.

I should I tell you my favorite quotes because I just finished Ensnared by A.G. Howard and I am fangirling.


This book was completely beautiful and dark and compelling and everything yet nothing that I was expecting.

In other words, this book rocked.

Take quote #1 for example:

“Jeb is an anchor; he holds me grounded to my humanity and compassion. But Morpheus is the wind; he drags me kicking and screaming to the highest precipice, shoves me off, then watches me fly with netherling wings. When Jeb’s at my side, the world is a canvas–unblemished and welcoming; when I’m with Morpheus, it’s a wanton playground–wicked and addictive.”

If that doesn’t tell you the difference between Jeb and Morpheus in the most beautiful way, I don’t know what will. But this is very much the difference between their characters, and what makes me love both of them.

Here’s quote #2:

“Bah.” Morpheus snags a paintbrush. “She should be draped in starlight and clouds, lace and softness. Nothing less should touch her skin.” He points the bristles at Jeb. “I saw what you put Thomas in. You are not painting her into one of those goon suits. She is royalty. Dress her like royalty. Give her some glitter… some glitz. And a crown.”

The relationship between Jeb and Morpheus in this book is funny and so unexpected that I couldn’t help but laugh whenever they had scenes like this together. I expected them to be at each other’s throats in seconds. But no, they have become something like friends.

And the final quote is:

“And there, in the midst of blinding orange, yellow, and white flames, our forever begins.”

The epilogue was just the right mix of informative and vague at the same time. I have to say, when I finished this book I cried. Not because the ending was sad, but because it was bittersweet. The most perfect ending to a marvelous series, but at the same time it’s the ending, the series is over.

So goodbye, Alyssa, Jeb, and Morpheus. Goodbye, Red Queen, Rabid White and Chessie. You shall be missed.

Now all I have to do is wait for A.G. Howard to start writing another series.


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