Writing on a Vintage Typewriter’s First Blogversary! There will be giveaways! And gushing!


I have been blogging for a year, now. A YEAR. Can you believe it? I can’t. One minute I was a fifteen-year-old who decided, “oh, it might be cool to run a book blog for the rest of the school year,” and the next, there’s me, sixteen-almost-seventeen, who STILL has a blog and has no intention of giving up now.



But, as of November 30th, 2015, I have…

247 posts,

4452 Page views

And 152 Followers


I would like to thank Cait | Kat | Ayunda | Beckmank | Nirvana | sarahmjmack | Tina | Koral | Lizzy | and everyone who has ever liked, commented, or followed my blog. I LOVE YOU ALL, seriously.

This year.png

Sadly, I don’t know how many books I read this year, I just know it was a lot. But lots of other fun, bookish things happened since I started my blog.

I won both sessions of Camp NaNoWriMo as well as regular NaNoWriMo, meaning I do not want to write for the rest of the year but naturally my brain is going OOO BUT THERE ARE ALL THESE GREAT IDEAS YOU MUST PLOT YOU MUST WRITE.

Thanks, brain.

I also got to go to something called the Cavalcade of Authors West, which wasn’t great, but I did get to meet, among others, Marissa Meyer, Lish McBride, Mindy McGinnis, and Richelle Mead. And, fun fact, Richelle Mead is the first person (and I’m serious about this, the very. First. Person. In my entire life.) who, when seeing my name written out (this time it was on a nametag) actually pronounced it the right way!

I got to go the Launch Party for Winter, the final book in the Lunar Chronicles, which was fantastic, except for the fact that I didn’t know that it was called a “Lunar Ball”, and so everyone was in formal wear and I was in jeans and a trench coat. Oops. Luckily, I wasn’t the only person who did this, but it was still kind of awkward.

And this isn’t strictly book related, but I did go to visit the Teen Wolf set! It was pretty cool. It’s funny, but on TV all the room look way bigger than they actually are.


And now, for the giveaways! Both are open internationally.

#1: The winner will recieve a free Kindle copy of one of these books: The Accident Season by Moira Fowley-Doyle | Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell | The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater | Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor |The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness | Magonia by Maria Davhana Headley

For whatever reason, the actual giveaway isn’t showing up, so follow this link to see it: here be the giveaway

#2 A random commenter will win one free Kindle copy of any young adult book up to $10 U.S. dollars published during 2015! Winter? Yep! Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda? Yep! The Darkest Part of the Forest? Yep! Comment away, little bloglings!

And…that’s it. My blog is officially one year old.


Happy Tuesday,


13 thoughts on “Writing on a Vintage Typewriter’s First Blogversary! There will be giveaways! And gushing!

  1. Awww, hAPPY 1 YEAR BLOGVERSARY, AINE!! THAT IS AMAZING. GOOOOO YOOOOU!! *breaks out the cake and ice cream in celebration* And zomg, I’m so honoured to be on your list. So honoured. :’)


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